Young high school students gather around a computer to research at the Institution Classique de Bayonnais on January 30, 2017 in Bayonnais, Haiti. Taken with a Leica SL.
Core Mission Components

Locate Organizations providing social and humanitarian support
While we choose the organizations who will receive our support through a project (See How We Work), the key starting point is that an Organization provide social and humanitarian support somewhere in the world, including the United States. Put simply, helping improve a human condition is what the founding member, David Knoble decided was most important to provide focus to Mission Photography.

Educate the public through documentary and photojournalism style photography
Simply photographing a place is not sufficient to help an Organization. More importantly, the education component to the public or other groups that support an Organization's project is the best result that Mission Photography can hope for. By educating others, more people may participate and the human condition can be improved more quickly or on a greater scope. If you were to ask Why do I care? the answer would be I care because I have the ability to educate others in the hopes that they will care as much or more than I do.

Maximize funding by limiting costs borne by the project and using public donations to fund the work
Our support to the social and humanitarian projects of these Organizations comes in the form of unrestricted or restricted money from Mission Photography. The funds generated from the sale of books and prints coupled with the education, results in an ability to make donations. The costs that reduce these funds are limited to the direct costs of the books and prints, coupled with any film or development costs. See our discussion in How We Work for more information about the costs. The only other way we generate funds is through public donations and support. The public donations we receive are used to research a project, provide transportation, food and lodging during the project and other administrative costs necessary to keep a 501(c)3 charitable status with the Internal Revenue Service.